Welcome to our Friday Notices
Angel Tree Gifts 2024
This year as part of our "loving others" theme we are providing meat vouchers ($25) for families in need from our wider community via Painga Project.
Either, choose a name from the tree in the Church & follow the instructions on the envelope.
Or we have a virtual Angel Tree, if you are interested in supporting this, please deposit your $25 donation to the church bank account: 12-3031-0057396-00 Clevedon Presbyterian Ref: Angel Tree, Code: Your phone number & Email Annemarie office@clevedonpresy.co.nz, who will send you a child’s name to remember in your prayers. The appeal will conclude at the end of November.
Christmas Carol Service Choir Practice—if you haven't been “shoulder tapped” by Gina yet, this is your time to join a joyous choir. Practices will commence weekly from 6th November at 7.30 pm, all music is supplied. (You can contact Gina at gina.sanders@xtra.co.nz)
Men’s Breakfast. Join our friends at Papakura East and Drury at 8 am this Saturday morning, (at 87 Settlement Road) enjoy a great breakfast and talk and demonstration by David Matheson on some of his Technic Lego. RSVP to office@pepc.org.nz
Foodbank—The call for food parcels continues from families in need. Thank you for your donations. Our pantry would benefit from tinned tomatoes, ricies, cornflakes, tinned tuna, pasta sauces, coffee, drinking chocolate, self-raising flour, 1kg plastic bags sugar (to foil the ants), 1kg rice, dried pasta, tinned sweetcorn, body wash, muesli bars and biscuits.
Alternatively, we also like to include a Supermarket voucher in the parcels to allow people to purchase fresh items like cheese, butter, meat.
Tuesday Morning Home Group. Meeting in Ardmore. Please contact Bev Sutton 0273 107 421 for directions.
Tuesday Evening Ladies Bible Study meets during the school term in locations in Ardmore and Conifer Grove. 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm. If you would like to find out more, please give Geraldine Oosterbeek a call on 027-2704-904
Men’s Group meets Wednesday 7.30 pm in Clevedon Church Lounge Come along for fellowship, discussion and prayer.
Prayer Circle Requests. For anyone who is seeking prayer for any concern or situation: prayercircle.clevedonpresy@gmail.com or text: Cath at 021 349 417, Elaine 022 071 7201, or Nikki 021 973 799
AA - every Thursday at 7.30 pm at the Clevedon Church lounge. Friendly and supportive. For anyone with alcohol or drug problems. https://aa.org.nz/
Sunday Services and activities:
Clevedon Church
Sunday morning service at 10 am. Join us in person or watch the live stream on our YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxBzxjBb3xU8ra2NHwvD_9A(the service can also be viewed at any time afterwards.) Our Sunday Reading this week tells us about the origins of the Passover Festival from Exodus 12:1-13
Prayer before the Service. Join us at 9:15 am every Sunday in Martin's office to pray for the church and community.
St Aidan’s Takanini (23 Walter Stevens Drive, Conifer Grove,)
Sunday morning service at 10 am
Playgroup - Every Monday and Tuesday morning in the school term. Contact Brenda at 021 657 178.
Wednesday Communion service 9.30 am. All welcome
Women's friendship and study group Friday 10 am. Contact Lorraine Richmond at 027 476 1169
Know your Bible Women’s study group. Thursday 12.30-2.30 pm. Contact Susanna Ph. 027 450 1926
Men’s group. Thursdays at 7 pm in the St Aidan’s Church lounge. A time of sharing, fellowship, prayer and study together.
Kawakawa Bay
Sunday Morning Church Service is in the Kawakawa Bay Hall at 9.30 am. This week our Reading is: 1 Peter 1:13-16 and 2 Peter 2:4-5 & 9-13. Message: “The Journey to Holiness” – Ruth Boswell
Playgroup each Wednesday from 8 am in the Community Hall