![]() Kia ora and greetings.
Welcome to my final Tuesday letter.
I thought I would use this moment to provide just a few of the images I have used over the last years as I reflect on how much I have valued and enjoyed my time here. The pictures remind me of the many ways we celebrate and witness to the presence of God working in our lives, and in the life of our communities:
Early on in my time - here is the wonderful (late) Helen Lane cutting the cake she made each year, celebrating our Anniversary Service.
We have had such saints in our church, like Helen and Jennifer Kelly - whose presence we will always miss. The saints of yesterday and today, connect us with our church's history and origins in the Clevedon community - reminding us how the Gospel Story is told and retold for each generation.
![]() Quite early in my ministry, I followed the very athletic Ron Paterson - who assured me that the track around the coast between Kawakawa Bay and Orere Point would be easy. Here I am crawling up a cliff over oyster shells. There is a roaring sea below! (Maybe Ron thought this was a good lesson on the nature of discipleship and ministry?)
![]() So much talent and generosity - the Vale family created and installed the wonderful Christmas scene - reappearing every year in early December.
![]() We bought chickens - the source of a good number of sermon illustrations!
![]() The children from Clevedon Kidz - performing their annual Christmas pageant. We look forward this year to the building and opening of a new Clevedon Kidz. Our early childhood centre is a key focus for our ministry.
![]() I've talked a lot about not catching fish - but here is proof that Bruce and I (and especially Bruce) did catch some.
We have been blessed to be able to use our home at Great Barrier for youth group camps - and for several 'retreats.' By now people may have tired of my fishing and Barrier stories.
![]() Covid struck. But our wonderful Gina Sanders would not be deterred - holding our annual community carol service outdoors in front of the Cobbler's Workshop
![]() ...and, upholding the resilience of our community through those difficult times, here is Helen helping to prepare our Kawakawa Bay service for an outdoor communion.
![]() With St Aidan's joining our community of churches, we also were able to strengthen our ministry through the establishment of our Family Ministry work at St Aidan's. Led by Brenda with the support of Lynette and the team. Our Family Ministry represents a central focus of our life and ministry.
Many young children and their parents and caregivers come along each weekday morning at Clevedon, twice a week at St Aidan's and on Wednesday morning at Kawakawa Bay. Through this ministry, families are supported with pastoral care, food and the sharing of clothes and other support.
![]() We were blessed to welcome Paia and Daniela to our church - supporting Paia as a ministry intern. Paia enjoyed experiencing the breadth of ministry opportunities provided by our church. Here, Lynn drives him on her golf cart to pick up some hay bales for our Christmas services.(Paia -always a natty dresser - is wearing a shirt with the name 'Claus' on the back.
![]() A highlight of our Family Ministry is the annual Christmas 'little ones' service. Each year we have some fairies join us, along with Mr Claus (see above) . Someone had carefully inserted a headshot of Sandy in the picture - I'm not sure what they were trying to tell me?
![]() Our church has played a role in important community events like ANZAC Day - with Stewart here on the Pipes. In more recent times Gina has worked with a team coordinating the event.
![]() Our HATCH community service and dinner have played an important role in our outreach and ministry to the community.
![]() Expressing the grace and hospitality of Jesus has been such a central part of our ministry. Here are children from Orere Point School leading the karakia before a community dinner at Kawakawa Bay. Funds from the dinner were given in support of Daffodil Day - hence Brenda's yellow hat in the foreground.
![]() Study, prayer and fellowship groups are an important part of our life and growth together. We have about 5 or 6 groups who meet regularly across our congregations. Here is a picture of the end-of-year dinner for the Clevedon Men's Group,
![]() It often takes a while to discover the interests, talents and skills present in our church. We held a wonderful "open day" at Russell's place to view his extraordinary collection of vintage cars. The 1908 Cadillac could be the oldest of its kind in the country.
![]() I have been so heartened by the generosity of our congregations in supporting a range of ministries that extend well beyond ourselves - in New Zealand and overseas. Here we are presenting more than $3000 of food vouchers for children and their families at Kereru Primary School in Papakura. Our ''Angel Tree' Christmas giving supporting the Painga Project. Our friends at Drury Presbyterian also contributed to this work.
![]() One of the biggest celebrations in our church calendar at Clevedon is the Christmas Carol Service. We are so blessed to have some wonderful musicians like Gina, and Simon who coordinates the music for our "contemporary" service.
![]() Brenda took this photo of my last Communion Service at Kawakawa Bay. I am going to greatly miss the diversity of our communities and the depth and breadth of the faith I have encountered over the last ten years.
![]() May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Thank you all your generous support, prayers and kindess.
Our next Community lunch is on this Tuesday, February 4th. (Note day change) - 12 noon for a 12.30 start. Catch up after the long break. Please bring food to share. In the lounge at Clevedon - all welcome.
Pastoral. Please hold Lori Hill and her family in your prayers as they celebrate the life and mourn the loss of Lori's dad.
Induction service for the Rev Rory Grant. Please join us at Clevedon for this important occasion, celebrating the start of Rory’s ministry with us. Thursday 20 February 7pm. If you are able, please bring a plate for supper afterwards.
Foodbank Parcels are heading out regularly, thank you for supporting this mission. This month we need: Tinned beetroot, Body wash, shampoo, conditioner, dishwashing liquid, muesli bars, biscuits, rice, marmite, peanut butter, ricies, weet-bix, chicken tonight sauce, pasta sauce, milo/drinking chocolate, coffee & black tea bags.
Sunday 2nd February 2025 5.30 pm at the Cottage. BBQ and Potato weigh-in. Come along and find out who grew the best potatoes. Even if you did not grow a potato, you can still join in the fun and help to choose the most unusual potato. Could you bring a salad to share -we will provide the sausages and patties.
The Men's Group at Clevedon starts again on Wednesday the 12th of February 7.30 pm in the Church lounge.
Our friends at the Anglican Parish of Clevedon are looking for an Accounts Officer. Suitable for someone with financial skills, this is a permanent part-time role – 10 hours per week. For more information contact Sarah - vicar.clevedon@gmail.com
AA - every Thursday at 7.30 pm at the Clevedon Church lounge. Friendly and supportive. For anyone with alcohol or drug problems. https://aa.org.nz/
Sunday Services and activities:
Clevedon Church
Sunday morning service at 10 am.
Prayer before the Service. Join us at 9:15 am every Sunday in Martin's office to pray for the church and community.
The Reading for this Sunday comes from Genesis 32:22-32
St Aidan’s Takanini (23 Walter Stevens Drive, Conifer Grove,)
Sunday morning service at 10 am
Wednesday Communion service 9.30 am All
Men’s group. Thursdays at 7 pm in the St Aidan’s Church lounge. A time of sharing, fellowship, prayer and study together.
Kawakawa Bay
Sunday Service at 9.30 am in the Community Hall. Prayer time before the service is at 9.00 am.
Heading away. Martin will no longer be using the church email address. His personal email is: martinsandhills@gmail.com. Sandy and Martin’s address from May will be: 97 Sandhills Road, Great Barrier Island. If you are interested in occasional updates of his and Sandy’s long walk around Shikoku you can access images and short videos on Martin’s Instagram account: martin_baker (that is: martin “underscore” baker).
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